Influence of COVID-19 on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Patients

Influence of COVID-19 on OCD Patients

An online survey comprising 394 obsessive compulsive disorder patients was carried out to evaluate the consequence of COVID-19. 71.8% participants reported an increase in the severity of their symptoms, primarily comprising of washers and attributed it to reduced mobility and interpersonal conflicts. An increase in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms was observed with dysfunctional beliefs about hygiene while functional beliefs led to decrease in symptoms. Almost 50% of participants claimed that they could provide helpful hygiene recommendations while 22.4 % had actually given other people advice. Easy access to effective therapy for OCD patients can prevent potential long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on them.

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Adapted from:

  1. Jelinek L, Moritz S, Miegel F, Voderholzer U. Obsessive-compulsive disorder during COVID-19: Turning a problem into an opportunity? JOURNAL OF ANXIETY DISORDERS. 2021;77: 102329.