Brivaracetam FDA-Approved for Pediatric Seizures

Brivaracetam, available in the form of tablets, oral solution and intravenous fluid (IV) is now FDA-approved for the treatment of partial-onset seizures in children as young as one month. Brivaracetam IV formulation is the only IV formulation approved in last 7 years to treat partial-onset seizures in children one month of age and older. As demonstrated by studies, Brivaracetam has long-term retention rates over 2 years in pediatric patients. Children with seizures are often hospitalised and incur severe consequences on development, functioning and cognition. IV Brivaracetam can allow rapid administration at an effective dose, while not requiring titration and therapy can be switched to oral form when these young patients are transitioning from hospital to home. This will allow seamless transitioning of pediatric epilepsy patients while improving patient care. Brivaracetam has not shown any behavioural adverse events in adult studies and has similar safety profile in pediatric population. The most common adverse reactions are dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, somnolence and sedation. Psychiatric adverse reactions are observed in both adults and children, patients must be advised to report these symptoms immediately to their doctor.

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  1. UCB Announces Briviact (brivaracetam) CV Now FDA-Approved to Treat Partial-Onset Seizures in Pediatric Patients One Month of Age and Older. News release. UCB; August 30, 2021. Available at: Last accessed October, 2021.