A Case Report of a 37-Year-Old Alzheimer’s disease Patient with Prominent Striatum Amyloid Retention

The amyloid deposition has long been considered one of the pathognomonic markers of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Moreover, disruption in the amyloid hypothesis has been frequently discussed as an important target of intervention
Trichotillomania in Dementia: A Case Report and Literature Review

Dementia presents with a variety of psychiatric and behavioral disorders, including psychosis, depression, anxiety, behavioral aggression, and
A case report on mirrored self-misidentification syndrome.

An 83 years old male patient Mr. X, graduate, married, retired from his job, belonging to middle socio-economic status, hailing from urban background was accompanied to the OPD by his daughter. Informant had complaints of suspiciousness, abusing family members, abnormal behaviour, and memory impairment in the past 6 months. Patient started suspecting that there is […]
Atypical Manifestation Demonstrating Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Case Presentation A 63-year old businessman presented with the complaints of memory loss and non-fluent speech for 7 years. He also had personality changes for over 5 years. The patient displayed progressive non-fluent aphasia in addition to gradual social withdrawal prior to presentation. Medical History At age 59, His imaging revealed: At age 61, Second […]