A case report on mirrored self-misidentification syndrome.

An 83 years old male patient Mr. X, graduate, married, retired from his job, belonging to middle socio-economic status, hailing from urban background was accompanied to the OPD by his daughter. Informant had complaints of suspiciousness, abusing family members, abnormal behaviour, and memory impairment in the past 6 months. Patient started suspecting that there is […]

Atypical Manifestation Demonstrating Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Atypical Manifestation Demonstrating Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Case Presentation A 63-year old businessman presented with the complaints of memory loss and non-fluent speech for 7 years. He also had personality changes for over 5 years. The patient displayed progressive non-fluent aphasia in addition to gradual social withdrawal prior to presentation. Medical History At age 59, His imaging revealed: At age 61, Second […]