Name – American College of Physicians (ACP) Internal Medicine Meeting (April 29 – May 01, 2021)
Mode – Virtual
A novel research indicates that asking certain questions to patients with memory loss can assist in referral decisions. It can begin with what the patient is forgetting & followed up with any neurocognitive symptoms encountered by them. Neurocognitive symptoms could include everything from struggling with attention to experiencing hallucinations and movement disorders. Later, cognitive screening using a simple test such as Mini-Cog must be done. It only takes 3 minutes and comprises of a three-word recall and a clock-drawing test. It is necessary to eliminate key causes such as signs of depression which could indicate pseudodementia. The American Academy of Neurology recommends checking the thyroid and vitamin B12 levels of the patient and then carrying out an MRI/CT in order to identify problems such as vascular dementia, hydrocephalus etc. A neurologist must be considered, in case, there are signs of potential seizures or rapid decline. Even though neuropsychological testing could also be helpful, it takes almost three hours and isn’t a viable option for aggressive patients.